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Project Futures is an Australian non-for-profit organisation that connects people to the issue of modern slavery, sexual abuse and sex trafficking of women and children. We raise vital funds that goes towards services that rehabilitate, support and empower survivors.

What is modern slavery and Sex trafficking?

Modern slavery occurs when a person cannot refuse, or leave a situation because of physical threats, violence, psychological coercion, abuse of power or deception.

It refers to one person possessing or controlling another in such a way as to significantly deprive them of their personal freedom with the intention of exploiting that person for use, profit, transfer or disposal.

Sexual slavery is a type of modern slavery in which mostly women and girls are forced through fraud or coercion to perform commercial sex.

40.3 MILLION people*

In modern slavery

4.4 out of 1,000*

Children in the world are victims of modern slavery

human trafficking is the 3rd most profitable crime industry**

*Source: Global Estimates of Modern Slavery (2017), Alliance

**Source: The World Counts (2020)